A little bit of Me-Time

We live  crazy and busy lives to chase our work targets and still at the end, we end up less healthy and lees happy. Without any doubts the same happens with me, most of the times. But yesterday was awesome. No! I made the day awesome by letting the things flow and by not thinking too much on them.


It rained for me yesterday, the wind bowled for me, the solitude was just amazing. I felt like a queen in making! 🙂  And I felt all this by doing nothing–Nothing absolutely! I went home from the retro city, took bath, got into my shorts and went out in the park. The weather was calm, cool and there was no one around (the best part).

There is this thing in me..whenever I am happy I feel like a kid, behave like a kid, become a kid–I don’t know it just happens spontaneously. I felt the same yesterday.

I just went on to the swing and listened to some soft Indian songs and there was no one to interrupt. The last evening was the best time had in a long time. So, all in all, it was fun and relaxing!

Leaving a song from my track list stay tuned!

P.S: The thrill lies within you..just make the most of it!

WordPress –An escape Into Life!

It’s been a while I know, but I did all my ‘Wordpress’ homework. Read all the amazing posts—smiled at a few—stole some beautifully crafted sentences—and brushed up my vocab. You guys are amazing writers!! 🙂

live life fully

Life is so overtaxed with work, issues, hitches, dos, donts—and has just taken a lifeless form. But amid everything, WordPress is the only place I have to look forward to (hope I could hug you tight WordPress). No matter how out-of –mind I am but reading you guys here, makes me feel alive. It’s my escape into life. Yes it is! Because what we live every day is not life, it’s a schedule, a routine. But WordPress is my desired version of life. A place where I could just live peacefully—where I could see how some exceptionally artistic people connect life with words—Where I could put my words the way I want them to—where I could live my life on the edge of everything—where there is no need to fight an already lost battle to stop the running time.

I hate going to “The retro city” (my office). It gives me the feel of “living a retro era”—where people are boring, archaic, lack fun and god dam it too aged for me to work with.

Alright, I know I have broken all my promises (to myself) of working on ‘Friday Fantasies’ but still I am hopeful to resurrect again. I hope my “open attack of work” doesn’t break any more bones of my wishes and anticipations.


P.S: Thank You WordPress and all the beautiful people who make my ‘reader’ section incredible!




That Old Thing…: The kido me!

That one time of our lives to which all of us would want to be dragged to… that one phase of our lives which still compels us to stop by and relive……that one chapter of our lives we won’t mind revising over and over…….OUR CHILDHOOD!

The times when we were happier, we were more fun, truthful, contented, peaceful, and above all we were ourselves. The other day I saw this little girl carelessly sitting on her bags at the local bus stand, playing tipi-tipi-tap (if you guys remember) and waiting for her mother to come. What was I doing? Oh of course- running like power-puff girls to spot my ticket counter, trying to make my way through the huge throng of passengers to buy a ticket (why am I so tiny…and dam it why don’t people in India stand in queues? ) and in midst of all this, was making an effort to breathe. I so much wanted to be at her place but…I just couldn’t.

The best part of that phase was the common silly things we all used to do and which were by the way very serious then ;). And now I wonder how all the kids from the entire planet can do the same silly things in spite of being in different parts of world.

  • This was my only inspiration to take bath..


  • Used them to slide all the tile floors.


  • Tried some weird thing like this with my cup.


  • Tried to take over the world-like ninjas


  • Acted like my favorite G.I.jo and tortured my mirror.


  • Slid down the stairs on my tummy.


  • Played foxes and hounds until I got called in after dark.

Whoever said it, said it so right “Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies”

P.S: Childhood is a short season…….very short season!